
Tentative Summer Curriculum

Welcome to our tentative summer curriculum. This is the curriculum for the yogi program and mentorship training program, both adult programs. The Seeker program (one-on-one mentorship) has a similar curriculum, but it is dynamic and personalized for each child. Since the program is ongoing, this is the curriculum for the next 12 weeks of summer. New topics will be added each week after the summer, and reviews of the old topics will be added as well.

Participants: Yogis, Mentors, and Community Guests

Age: Adults >= 21 years old

Skill Level: Accessible to Beginners, applicable to Advanced

Suggested Member Daily Routine

  • 15 minutes of Morning Heart Meditation
  • 15 minutes of Reading from the Book List
  • 15 minutes of Spiritual Mathematics
  • 15 minutes of Mathematical Coding

Spiritual Mathematics (1 meeting per week)

  • Week 1: Pi and TAU, Angles, Circumference of a Circle
  • Week 2: Intuitive Area of a Circle
  • Week 3: Intuitive Multiplication and Perfect Squares
  • Week 4: Binary Counting, Fibonacci, Doubling, Factorials
  • Week 5: Transcending Base Systems in Arbitrary Bases
  • Week 6: Direct Perception of the Slant Area of a Cone
  • Week 7: The Number i and Complex Numbers
  • Week 8: The Number e (Limit Definition)
  • Week 9: The Number Phi
  • Week 10: Pascal’s Triangle (Pyramids and Hyper-Pyramids)
  • Week 11: The Mandelbrot Set
  • Week 12: The Julia Set

Meditation and Spirituality (1 meeting per week)

  • Week 1: Building a Routine
  • Week 2: Light
  • Week 3: Bhakti Yoga and Love
  • Week 4: Chakras, Nadis, Granthis, Kundalini and Chi
  • Week 5: Zen Principles to Live By
  • Week 6: The Four Paths of Yoga
  • Week 7: The Four Noble Truths
  • Week 8: Non-conflict, The Way of Water (Taoism)
  • Week 9: Karma
  • Week 10: Dharma
  • Week 11: Enlightenment, Moksha, Samadhi
  • Week 12: Power Days

Computer Programming (1 meeting per week)

  • Week 1: Introduction to Coding with The Coding Train
    • Assignment: Watch The Coding Train video for beginners.
  • Week 2: Turing Patterns
  • Week 3: Electric Fields
  • Week 4: Graphing Any Mathematical Function
  • Week 5: Lissajous Curves
  • Week 6: Mandelbrot Set
  • Week 7: Coding the Icosahedron
  • Week 8: Perlin Noise, Random, and Gaussian Random
  • Week 9: Recursive Functions and Circle Fractals
  • Week 10: Dragon Fractal
  • Week 11: Final Project Preparation
  • Week 12: Final Project Presentation

Mentorship Training (1 meeting per week)

  • Week 1: Organic Inquiry
  • Week 2: Insight from silence
  • Week 3: Student dharma
  • Week 4: Mathematics as a spiritual path
  • Week 5: Concurrent learning
  • Week 6: It’s all about heart
  • Week 7: Direct perception
  • Week 8: Mindfulness and mathematics
  • Week 9: Mathematics at the level of light
  • Week 10: Meditation and energy
  • Week 11: Loving the basics
  • Week 12: The path of formless form

Reading List

  • On Love and Loneliness by Krishnamurti
  • The Art of Loving by Erich Fromm
  • Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda
  • Be As You Are by Ramana Maharshi
  • As a Man Thinketh by James Allen
  • Stillness Speaks and The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
  • Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind by Shunryu Suzuki
  • Think on These Things by Krishnamurti (for kids)
  • Education and the Significance of Life by Krishnamurti (for parents)