
Namaste Community, Join our spiritual community and progress on your path to enlightenment with one of our new programs starting this Monday, June 17th. Participate in our Mentorship Training Program where you’ll study mathematics as a spiritual path and share your knowledge as a spiritual mentor to children. You can also join our community and study alongside the Mentors as a Yogi without participating in the mentorship training component.

Why Join?

One of the most challenging aspects of life in society for a devoted spiritual seeker is earning a livelihood. The deeper we go into love and heart, the more uncompromising our integrity and authenticity become, the more specific we are about how we earn a livelihood. This obstacle has been a great part of my inspiration in creating the Mentorship Program, both for myself and for my students. I seek to provide a means by which we can thrive in the world as a part of progressing optimally along the spiritual path to enlightenment. Mentoring children in an integration of mathematics and spirituality offers an outstanding solution to this challenge as it both strengthens our practice, perpetuates our mission, and provides the financial means by which we can realize our highest spiritual destinies working and living in the world. In the mentorship program, you are both a spiritual mentor and a spiritual student. Studying with me, you will learn mathematics, meditation, spirituality, and computer programming, and as a mentor, you will strengthen and apply what you learn, while also simultaneously developing in the spiritual dimension of love and service to others. Another challenge that devoted spiritual seekers face in society is that of community. The deeper we go into esoteric knowledge and the more sensitive we become, the more important it is to have Sangha, or spiritual community, that centers on enlightenment, truth and love. In this program, we gain association with others who are devoted to mathematics and spirituality along the path of bhakti or love. In addition to interpersonal resonance and common interest, our connections will be founded upon a purpose and devotion to something greater than ourselves, leading to even deeper and more meaningful friendships.

Key Mentor Benefits

  • Make the World Your Ashram: Progress optimally along your path to enlightenment with an integrated spiritual lifestyle that includes your spiritual practice, community, and livelihood.
  • Aligned Students: Become a spiritual mentor for homeschooled and extracurricular students who are inspired to study mathematics as a spiritual path.
  • Earn $100/hr: Earn a living that empowers you to thrive both spiritually and in the worldly expression of spirit. Set up your own sanctuary in society that allows you to firmly establish your sadhana and also affords you peace of mind and abundance.
  • Global Access: Work online from the sanctuary of your own space anywhere in the world. Journey further into nature or leverage your financial stability from another remote location.
  • Get Featured: Get featured on our website with your own bio and photo so that families can select you as their mentor.
  • Set Your Own Schedule: Determine when you want to work with seekers as a part of a holistic spiritual routine that helps you become more conscious.
  • Purposeful Mission: Play an important role in our spiritual mathematics movement, transforming mathematics education, and spreading love and intelligence in the world.

Personal Study Highlights

  • Group Sessions: Study directly with The Bhakti Math Guru and our group of amazing individuals, four days a week for an hour each session. Join as many sessions as you can.
  • Spiritual Approach to Mathematics: Learn to do math in a way that awakens intelligence, love, and greater consciousness.
  • Awaken Genius: Awaken your latent genius with an enlightened approach to mathematics that makes math clear and easier to comprehend.
  • Profound Meditation Experiences: Learn to meditate in profound states of awareness that reveal the nature of the universe and help you embody divine love.
  • Spiritual Routine: Develop a daily spiritual routine that awakens greater intelligence and love through mathematics, meditation, and spiritual living.
  • Spiritual Principles: Develop toward greater consciousness by learning the spiritual principles of yoga and applying them in your life and mathematical study.
  • A Revolutionary Approach: Learn to see mathematical truth as self-evident and directly perceivable with an intuitive approach that augments your own experience of the universe and life.
  • Visual Learning: Embrace being a visual learner with a visual approach to mathematics that goes beyond rote memorization and mechanical technique.
  • Do Math From the Heart: Do mathematics without inner conflict in an organic flowering of inquiry that makes math a meditative experience and helps develop love and compassion.
  • Artistic Approach: Uncover the creative and subjective dimensions of mathematics by learning to feel the ineffable aspects of mathematical elegance.
  • Holistic Development: Awaken a full-spectrum intelligence through an integration of mathematics, meditation, and spiritual principles to develop the heart and mind.
  • Computer Programming: Enrich your mathematical exploration by learning to code mathematical concepts in a way that is fun and creative. Further develop the mind through programmatical structures.

Who can Apply?

You don’t need to be a math expert to apply to the mentorship program. This is a paradigm shift in mathematics that makes mathematics accessible and comprehensible to people in a rapid way. What is essential is that you are earnest and enthusiastic about learning, as this will allow you to impart your knowledge and sincerity to children. Having a strong background in mathematics is excellent and valued, and required for those who want to work with more advanced seekers, but it isn’t necessary for those who want to work with younger children or beginners who are just starting out. The ideal candidates are those who embody higher spiritual energy and love and who have an enthusiasm around learning mathematics and a deep spiritual sincerity. In our program, you will be supported with specific mathematical lessons that you can share with seekers.

Program Details

  • Age Group: Adults >= 21 years old.
  • Mentor Tuition: $500/month || $150/week.
  • Yogi Tuition (3 Classes per Week): $375/month || $112.50/week.
  • Yogi Lite Tuition (1 Class per Week): $135/month
  • Guest Drop-in Tuition: $40/class
  • Classes: Four hours of weekly classes, attend as many as you can.
  • Earnings Rate: Earn $100/hr.
  • Working Hours: Work up to 4 hours a day, 5 days per week.

Class Schedule

Mentors, Yogis, Guests:
  • Mondays at 6 PM PT (UTC -7): Spiritual Mathematics
  • Tuesdays at 6 PM PT (UTC -7): Meditation and Spirituality
  • Wednesdays at 6 PM PT (UTC -7): Computer Programming
Mentors Only:
  • Thursdays at 6 PM PT (UTC -7): Mentorship Training

How we Describe our Mentors

Our Mentors are devoted spiritual seekers who make mathematics and spirituality a priority in their lives. This means that they teach not only through what they say but also by being an embodiment of what they teach and love. As spiritual practitioners, they study diligently to embody higher spiritual energy and mathematical insights that can impart to seekers a deeper wisdom, a more profound mathematical comprehension, and a greater love. Mentors work with seekers a maximum of 4 hours a day, ensuring they have ample time to engage in their own personal spiritual cultivation and mathematical study. This allows them to genuinely bring an abundance of heart, patience, presence, and love, as well as mathematical insight and wisdom to each and every session.

Our Mission

We are inspired by and hold paramount the vision of a cultural inheritance that empowers people to be deeply happy. We are contributing to this vision by spreading the wisdom and love of enlightenment through the practice of an enlightened approach to mathematics. We look to having you on our team, where you can join us in healing the world through our transformation to greater love and intelligence.

How to Apply

To apply to become a Home Mentor, please fill out the form below. For the Yogi Application, click here.

Once you have been accepted into the program, you can purchase your monthly subscription to the Mentorship Program below. Cryptocurrency and Venmo (@theheartofmath) can be used as well if needed. To purchase the Yogi Program, click here, or to purchase a single class as a Guest, click here.