The Bhakti Mathematics Community is an ongoing program and community that you can join anytime. Join our next meeting! In this program you study with The Bhakti Math Guru topics in mathematics, spirituality, coding and meditation. You can chose which classes to attend and are not required to study all of these topics. The program is designed for optional long-term involvement to bring the most significant and lasting transformation to community members, and to build our community!
All meetings are held online and there is generally one meeting each weekday. As a member you have access to all the meetings and can attend any or all of them if you choose. Members are encouraged to attend at least two meetings a week, but there are no requirements. You can focus on just math or just spirituality if you like.
The monthly membership fee is $111 a month, and $44 a month for selected countries. You can also attend a single meetings for $20, or $7 for selected countries. These countries are selected due to their currency exchange. If you feel your country should be added to the list, please email
The countries are: India, Pakistan, Nepal, Brazil and South Africa.
If you would like to sign up, please make payment below. Once you have done so you can join a meeting by clicking join meeting in the menu.